Get to Know BP Year Two: Medieval
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Week 16 takes us to Asia, where we cover the empires of medieval India. Then come weeks on China, Japan, the Mongol Empire, the Ottoman Empire, West Africa, and America before Columbus. Week 23 tells how the Spaniards took back the part of Western Europe that was conquered by Muslims in the early 700s. The Spanish Reconquista ended in 1492, the same year Christopher Columbus went looking for a new way to the Far East.
The next few weeks tell of three great happenings that overlapped one another: the Renaissance, the Age of Discovery and the Protestant Reformation. All three depended on a world-changing invention from the mid-1400s: the movable-type printing press. Without a bounty of books, the ideas of the Renaissance never could have spread so far, so fast. Without books, Columbus might never have thought of sailing west to reach the Far East—which means that he might never have happened upon the West Indies. And without books, the world might never have heard from the German monk who started the Protestant Reformation in 1517: Martin Luther.
The last four weeks of Year Two take us back to England. We cover the whole House of Tudor, from King Henry VII to Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I and Elizabeth I. The year ends with Queen Elizabeth taking on the Spanish Armada—and winning, with help from a ship-wrecking “Protestant Wind.”
World History topics covered in Year Two include:
- Roman Britain and Gaul
- The legend of King Arthur
- The epic of Beowulf
- The prophet Muhammad and the Hegira
- The Muslim invasion of Spain and Charles Martel’s victory over them at the Battle of Tours
- Norse myths about Odin, Thor and other Asgardians
- The Raid on Lindisfarne and other Viking Raids
- The Norman Conquest and the Battle of Hastings
- The Wreck of the White Ship
- The beginnings of the Holy Roman Empire and the Russian Empire
- King John of England and the Magna Carta
- The Hundred Years’ War and the Black Death
- The Wars of the Roses between the houses of York and Lancaster
- Dynasties of India and China
- Shoguns of Japan
- The Mongol Empire
- The Ottoman Empire
- Medieval empires of West Africa
- Henry the Navigator and the Portuguese Empire
- Ferdinand, Isabella and Christopher Columbus
- King Charles I of Spain and the rise of the Spanish Empire
- The Printing Revolution
- The Renaissance in Florence
- The Renaissance in Art
- The Renaissance in Science
- The six wives of Henry VIII
- The five-year reign of Bloody Mary
- The Elizabethan Era
- The attack of Spanish Armada
- and many more!
The Church also used its power in darker ways, such as attempting to control kings by commandeering their bishops and ordering their marriages. Perhaps the darkest way was to launch the Holy Land Crusades—which started as a defense of the Byzantine Empire, but often turned to greedier goals.
Church History topics covered in Year Two include:
- Monks, nuns and monasticism
- The lives and ministries of church fathers like Anthony of Thebes, Athanasius of Alexandria, Augustine of Hippo and Ambrose of Milan
- The Council of Nicaea, the Council of Chalcedon and other ecumenical councils
- The Nicene Creed and the addition of the filioque
- The Great Schism between the churches of Rome and Constantinople
- The nine Holy Land Crusades
- “The Divine Comedy” by Dante
- The Avignon Papacy and the Western Schism
- The Spanish Inquisition
- Pre-Reformation figures like Peter Waldo, John Wycliffe and Jan Hus
- The Protestant Reformation and the Radical Reformation
- Key Reformation figures like Luther, Erasmus, Zwingli, Calvin and Knox
- The English Reformation and King Henry VIII
- The Catholic Reformation and the Counter-Reformation
- and many more!
The history lessons in BP Year Two starts with the World Geography students need to understand those lessons. Because Year Two tells stories from around the globe, its geography spans the globe too. For example, our lessons on the Vikings start with the Vikings’ homeland around the Baltic Sea; while our lessons on Christopher Columbus start with the West Indies, where Columbus landed by mistake in 1492.
Geography topics covered in Year Two include:
- The British Isles and the English Channel
- Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire
- The Arabian and Sinai Peninsulas
- Mountains and Rivers of France
- Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea
- India and the Himalayas
- China and the Tibetan Plateau
- Japan and Mount Fuji
- Regions of Africa
- The Valley of Mexico, the Yucatan Peninsula and the West Indies
- and many more!
BP Year Two is divided into six units:
- Unit 1: Early Christianity and the Rise of Islam (7 weeks)
- Unit 2: Europe and the Crusades (8 weeks)
- Unit 3: Asia (5 weeks)
- Unit 4: New Worlds Explored (5 weeks)
- Unit 5: Renaissance and Reformation (5 weeks)
- Unit 6: The Elizabethan Era (4 weeks)
Total: 34 weeks