Frequently Asked Questions about BP

  1. Greenville, SC: GHSC, March 13 – 15 – Julia speaking
  2. St. Charles, MO: GHSC, March 27 – 29 – Julia speaking
  3. Park City, KS: TPA (KHE), April 11 – 12
  4. Anchorage, AK: APHEA April 11 – 12 – BP Vendor workshop
  5. Columbus, OH: GHSC, April 24 – 26 – Julia speaking
  6. Salt Lake City, UT: UTCH– April 25 – 26
  7. Sioux Falls, SD: CHCSD – May 2 – 3 – Julia speaking
  8. Albuquerque, NM: CAPE – May 2 – 3 – BP Vendor workshop
  9. Pigeon Forge, TN: TTD, May 8 – 10
  10. La Mirada, CA: CHEA – May 15 – 17 – BP Vendor Workshop
  11. Orlando, FL: FPEA, May 22 – 24
  12. Winston-Salem, NC: NCHE, May 22 – 24
  13. Woodlands, TX: THSC, June 5 – 7
  14. Richmond, VA: HEAV, June 5 – 7 – Julia speaking
  15. Ontario, CA: GHSC, June 12 – 13 – Julia speaking
  16. Denver, CO: CHEC, June 12 – 13
  17. Dallas, TX: ACCS, June 18 – 21
  18. Round Rock, Texas: GHSC, July 10 – 12 – Julia speaking
  19. Phoenix, AZ: AFHE, July 18 – 19 – BP Vendor workshop
  20. Atlanta, GA: SEHE, July 25 – 26
You don’t need any additional spines, as Remember the Days and Consider the Years / Companion are complete enough to stand on their own. For customers who want more, Lesson Plans Plus shows how popular spines like The Story of the World and A History of US line up with our program.

BP is perfect for big families. The beauty of its design is that all students cover the same topics at the same time, yet each student has readings and assignments chosen especially for his or her level. Lessons Plans Plus offers supplemental readings to go with every lesson in our history spines. These readings are divided by grade level– K-2, 3-5, 5-8 and 8-12. Younger students may read simple stories, while older ones may read thought-provoking commentary.

BP offers four different Cool Histories for four sets of grade levels. The youngest students get the simplest questions, while the oldest may get open-ended questions with no right or wrong answer. BP also offers two levels of Hands-On Maps. Beyond all that:

  • The BP Discussion Guide gives great props for family discussion time, and is especially helpful for bringing Christian worldview into your discussions.
  • BP Hands-On Histories offer fun ways to pull the family together. Students of different ages can work together on the same activities, sharing what they’re learning with each other.
  • BP Timelines are another fun activity for the whole family. All your students can build one together, either on a wall or in notebook form.
  • BP Coloring Through Histories can be for all ages, not just the youngest.

Check out THIS PAGE for tips on using BP in co-ops and schools.

We want our Littles to LOVE history, so we focus on making it FUN. If you’re using Remember the Days, then focus on the story parts. Don’t try to read everything. The Story of the World can be a good additional spine for Littles. Be sure to do the Globe Fun section of each Cool History for Littles page. Also consider:
  • Reading easy readers or picture books from Lesson Plans Plus.
  • Coloring pages from our Coloring Through History books.
  • Choosing a fun activity from our Hands-On History books.
  • Building a BP Timeline.
  • Building a Hands-On Notebooking project book.
Be careful not to do too much. If your Littles moan about doing history, then you may need to back off a bit.

Check out THIS PAGE for tips on assigning high school credit using BP.

Cool History for Upper Middles contains mostly short-answer questions, plus a few thought-provoking short essay questions designed to challenge students in grades 8-10. CHUM includes one test for each unit of 5 – 6 weeks.

Cool History for Advanced (grades 10-12) is more challenging. Each CHA assignment has four types of questions: fill-in-the-blank, short answer, short essay and research essay. The fill-in-the-blank questions are not as easy as they look! Students really have to think to fill these in correctly. Some of the Advanced essay questions are purposely designed to be open-ended, with no right or wrong answer. CHA also comes with tests.

Not necessarily. We have many Upper Middles and Advanced students who build and learn from Timelines. They are an activity that all ages can enjoy.

When we first started BiblioPlan years ago, we wrote mainly “fascinating facts” to supplement other history texts. Although we now write our own texts, we still like to break up our narrative with fascinating facts. The difference is that we rarely call them that anymore. Having long since tired of that title, we now find other alliterative titles to introduce these tinted sections. Some of our titles may stretch vocabularies, while a few may even evoke a chuckle.

The point of all this is to make our texts more readable. We both remember how daunting it felt when we were in high school, tackling a full-length page of history in a tiny font with no pictures or breaks. We were both voracious readers, yet still struggled to get through those dry pages without losing interest. We vowed to liven up our own pages with plenty of pictures and color, and this is the result. Don’t look for color-coding, as you won’t find it. The tinted sections are there to make each page less intimidating, to break the narrative into manageable chunks, and to make topics easier to find and study.

Yes, we have incorporated the Classical Conversations cards into Lessons Plans Plus so that BP users can match up their cards with our scope and sequence.

Classical Conversations has three cycles. Cycle 1 is Ancients (Creation to the Fall of Rome); Cycle 2 is World (Fall of Rome to Modern times); and Cycle 3 is U.S. History. Because BP is on a four-year cycle, families who want to use CC with BP have two options. First, they can follow BP’s schedule, using the CC cards whenever they come up. Second, they can follow this model:
  • Cycle 1: Use BP Year One
  • Cycle 2: Use BP Year Two
  • Cycle 3: Alternate between BP Year Three and Year Four

Year One, Ancients is our Biblical history year. The Old Testament section covers the Pentateuch, the history books from Joshua to Esther, and the major and minor prophets. The New Testament section covers the historical parts of the Gospels and Acts.

For years Two through Four, we’ve scheduled extra Bible readings in Lesson Plans Plus. High school students cover one Bible book per unit, which comes to 23 books. Younger students go through Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the parables of Jesus.

Our Discussion Guide integrates Bible through all four years, wherever it is relevant.

Lesson Plans Plus offers memory work options that include Bible.

Every order comes with a link to a free e-book answer key and tests if the product has them. Just click the link, download the file(s) and save it in a folder titled “BiblioPlan.” If your links have expired, then please email; we’ll gladly renew them for you. The renewed links will go to the email address you used for the order, so be watchful if you have more than one address.

If you ordered from Rainbow Resources or Christian Book Distributors, then they should send you answer keys. Please contact them if you don’t receive them. If you bought your material used, then we charge $5 per answer key. Send a request to and we will invoice you for the total.

We are happy to renew any lost e-books within one year of purchase, provided you bought them directly from us. Just email, give us the email address you used when you ordered, and tell us exactly what you need renewed. We don’t renew older e-books because our products are always changing. If you need your e-books for longer than one year, then we recommend saving them to a thumb drive.

If you bought directly from BP in the past, then we offer a free e-book update of LESSON PLANS PLUS ONLY. This is no small gift. We update our guides often, spending hours and hours to keep them fresh and accurate. We do ask that you support our business by making at least one new purchase from BP. Send us the receipt and the email you used to order, and we’ll send you the newest version of Lesson Plans Plus. We don’t offer free updates of any other products.

We’re sorry, but we can’t accept E-book returns. Please understand that once you’ve downloaded our materials, there is no way to return them.

We do accept hardcopy returns; however, we must ask buyers to (1) return their books in unused condition; (2) return them within two weeks of receipt; and (3) pay shipping. We take 20% off for damaged books, so please package carefully. If the original packing material has flattened, then add more to compensate. If the books move inside the package, then you need more padding!

  • Please do not reproduce any BP material on websites or e-mail.
  • Please do not re-sell, loan or give any of BiblioPlan’s e-book materials to anyone outside your immediate family.
  • Please do not photocopy, scan or otherwise reproduce any of BiblioPlan’s hardcopy materials to re-sell, loan or give to anyone outside your immediate family.
  • Co-ops and schools may not buy one e-book version of a product and then share it with everyone in the class! Instead, they should email for bulk purchasing options.
  • BiblioPlan does allow copying within the family. Families may make as many copies of this material as they need for use WITHIN THEIR OWN FAMILY ONLY.
  • We believe the Bible to be the inspired, authoritative, infallible and inerrant Word of God.
  • We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
  • We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
  • We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential, and that this salvation is received through faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and not as a result of good works.
  • We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life and to perform good works.
  • We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost– they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
  • We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.*

*Adapted from HSLDA and from the National Association of Evangelicals Statement of Faith.