We’re so excited to have Ancient Days in stock and ready to go! We’ve put our very best into it, and we hope that you and your students will be as pleased with it as we are.
As Christian parents, we understand other parents’ concerns about how they present ancient history to their kids. Questions about the timing of Creation, the theory of evolution and so on can go to the very core of Christian faith. We want to equip our kids to keep the faith in a world that’s determined to tear it out of them.
Our approach in Ancient Days is to take the Bible at its word. We sit at the feet of its inspired writers, trying to learn the lessons they meant to teach. Modern readers often miss those lessons, as they tend to approach the Bible with different questions in mind. The solution is to ask the questions ancient readers asked, trying to understand the Bible the same way they did. The question we ask most is, “What does this passage tell us about God?”
When we take that approach, we find that it leads us to a very different place. Instead of demanding answers from God, we stand in awe of God’s holiness. We soak in the glorious attributes of God: His almighty power, wisdom, goodness, faithfulness, providence, justice and mercy. We learn our place as God’s creations, instead of trying to usurp His place as Creator.
Our approach to secular history is the same: We take the Bible at its word. We treat the happenings in the Bible as real happenings, not as allegories or fables. We keep in mind that the Old Testament is the Bible Jesus read, believed and quoted so often. We think that if we call ourselves Christians, then we should believe what Christ believed about the Old Testament. To believe otherwise would be to consider the slave greater than the master.
We hope this gives you an idea of what you and your kids will find in Ancient Days. To learn more, click HERE to sample the first three chapters for free. You can also sample a later chapter HERE. We pray God’s blessings on you and yours as you dive into this fascinating era of history!
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Thank you for taking this approach: discovery on what we can learn about our creator.