About the Authors

Current Authors: Julia and Rob Nalle

Julia Nalle, who holds a B.A. in Early Childhood Education and a Master of Arts in Religion, designs our curriculum and co-writes all of our materials. Julia is a passionate advocate for international special needs adoption through Reece’s Rainbow. Follow Julia on her blog, Micah Six Eight.
Julia’s husband Rob Nalle, who holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Religious Studies, co-writes all of our materials. He also operates our website and web store. Rob and Julia sponsor three children through their favorite overseas children’s support ministry, Compassion International.

Previous Authors

  • Rusty Gorby, BA in English
  • Susan Finck-Lockhart, M. Div., BA in Journalism
  • Kristin Walker, R.N., B.S.N.
  • Elizabeth Elder, M.A. in teaching with concentrations in English and History
  • Deb Tewksbury, B.A. in Foreign Affairs