Julia and Rob Nalle

Current Authors

Rob Nalle, who holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Religious Studies, co-writes all of our materials. He also operates our website and web store. Rob and Julia sponsor two children through their favorite overseas children’s support ministry, Compassion International.

Julia Nalle, who holds a B.A. in Early Childhood Education and a Master of Arts in Religion, designs our curriculum and co-writes all of our materials. Julia is a passionate advocate for international special needs adoption through Reece’s Rainbow. Follow Julia on her blog, Micah Six Eight.

Ben & Elijah Nalle

Co-wrote our Hands-On Notebooking series

Rob and Julia’s sons: Ben and Elijah
Ben and Elijah Nalle, who co-wrote our Hands on Notebooking series and along with Rob are the voices on the Remember the Days audio.

Mary Nalle

Family Manager

Rob and Julia’s daughter: Mary
Mary Nalle, who keeps everyone in the family in line.

Aaron and John Nalle

Field Testers & Flyer Distributors

Rob and Julia’s sons: Aaron and John
Aaron and John Nalle, who are expert flyer distributors and field test BiblioPlan as part of their schoolwork.

Website Development and Graphic Design
Lucille Brown

Lucille is the Director of Design and Marketing for Reece’s Rainbow

She is from the UK and also has a web development and design business named Poppies Blooming. She designed the logo and developed, designed and hosts the website and has done many of the book covers, including the Companions, Giants of the Faith and the Remember the Days and Consider the Years series.

Previous Authors

Rusty Gorby

B.A. in English

Susan Finck-Lockhart

M. Div, B.J.

Bachelor of Journalism with a concentration in American Studies

Kristin Walker

R.N., B.S.N.

Elizabeth Elder


Master of Arts in Teaching with a concentration in English and History

Deb Tewksbury


Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Affairs